A Winter’s Solstice Post


Happy Holidays, Everyone!  

It is hard to believe that another sailing season is gone, but I am thrilled that you folks are still using this site during the latest Polar Vortex to exchange ideas and connect with other Quickstep owners.  Now that I’ve plowed the driveways for the third time in two days, I think it’s time to get warm and to do a bit of updating.

We didn’t sail nearly enough this last summer.  We spent some time away attending to family matters. After that, conditions and opportunities just didn’t align well.  Weather, mostly lots of small craft warnings, often kept us safely within Egg Harbor’s snug marina on days we would have really enjoyed being out on the water.   Our granddaughter was here for an extended visit, so we spent several great (but windless) boating days introducing her to tubing behind the old Lyman. Eventually, we did enjoy terrific fall sails up and down the west side of the Door Peninsula viewing the fall color which arrived late this year.  Those fall sails off-set some of the summer’s lack of time on the boat.  Looking ahead, I have already sworn to make the 2017 season more active.

You may have noticed that on the Scuttlebutt Page,  Steve B. mentioned, in response to a new Q21 owner, an article I had posted to my earlier Quickstep site.  It told the tale of a DIY keel repair that was pretty interesting.  It’s a good article with pictures, so I’ve uploaded a PDF file for everyone to read while avoiding the cold. So light the fire and grab a scotch. You can read it by clicking here.

The biggest news about our boat for the year was that I purchased a new jib designed specifically to work with our Schaefer furler.  I just couldn’t get the old jib to trim properly.  The new sail was built by our local sailmaker, Dorsal Sail and Canvas.  It is a delight to use.  In addition, Charlie provided, at no cost, a new set of Quickstep insignia for our mainsail.  When it was originally built by a loft in Ohio, the “Q” was not correct.  It’s been one of those little things that bothered me… a vanity issue, I suppose.  But Charlie has fixed that now.  The main itself, which is loose footed with two full battens at the top, is a terrific sail.  Dorsal cut the proper insignia and I attached them at home at the end of the season.  All’s right with the world again!

Please don’t forget that I’m always interested in what’s happening with you and your boat. If you have an article or photos to share, email them to me at Quickstep21@gmail.com.  I’ll be happy to post the news.

We wish you and your families a serene Solstice, Happy Holidays, and a great New Year!